Friday, March 23, 2018

South African Putu pap (also known as krummelpap and crumbly porridge) .... a recipe by the Bard of Bat Yam (#BardOfBatYam) , Poet Laureate Of Zion (#PoetLaureateOfZion) and Stephen Darori (@stephendarori, #stephendarori, #stephendrus )

Pap – a porridge made from maize (corn) meal – is the staple food of southern Africa.
Putu pap is also known as krummelpap, which means "crumbly porridge". It is made with very little water, giving it a dry and crumbly texture.
It is usually combined with a tomato-and-onion sauce, such as sheba sauce or chakalaka sauce, and served as a side dish together with barbecued meat or boerewors (braaivleis).
People in the Western Cape tend to eat krummelpap with milk and sugar for breakfast.
4 generous portions


  • 2½ cups (600 ml) boiling water
  • 1 teaspoon (5 ml) salt
  • 2½ cups (400 gram) Maize Meal
  • A knob of butter


  1. Pour boiling water and salt into saucepan with a thick base and a lid. Bring to boil.
  2. Add the maize meal to the boiling water.
  3. Close the lid, without stirring.
  4. Reduce heat. Simmer gently for 5 minutes.
  5. Remove lid and stir well with a wooden spoon or a large kitchen fork.
  6. Replace lid, reduce heat and steam for about half an hour, until done, but be careful not to burn it.
  7. Fluff with a fork or wooden spoon a few times during cooking.
You can add frozen corn to the pap, before steaming it.
Add a knob of butter to the pap shortly before fluffing it for the last time, this adds to its flavour.

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