Saturday, March 31, 2018

Sarah Kaplan Drus's Whole Wheat Spinach Matzah Balls , updated and edited by her grandson , the Bard of Bat Yam (#BardOfBatYam) , Poet Laureate Of Zion ( #PoetLaureateOfZion) and Stephen Darori (#stephendarori, #stepehendrus)

Image result for Whole Wheat Spinach Matzo Balls

Sarah Kaplan Drus was the the founder of the Socialist Poalei Zion Movement in Cape Town in 1921 and a founding member of the South African Communist Party. Following the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact in August 1939, Poalei Zion split from the South African Communist Party and became the Bnoth Zion which is today the largest Jewish Women's Organisation in South Africa. The primary activity of this organisation remains running free creches and nursery schools for Blacks and Coloureds in and around Cape Town, Soweto and Alexandra, some of which are in the same location as those started by Poalei Zion in the 1920s. Ethel Drus , her daughter was a key member of the Committee of 12 , Mandela , Matthews and Tambo + 9 Jewish Academics and Lawyers that drafted the Freedom Charter 

Makes 12

2 eggs and 2 egg whites
1 ¼ tsp. coarse kosher salt
½ tsp. ground black pepper
1 10-oz. package frozen
chopped spinach, thawed
2 tbsp. oil
2 tbsp. seltzer
½ cup whole wheat matzah meal
½ cup regular matzah meal
Process spinach in a food processor (you can skip this, but it won’t look as nice), then add in eggs, egg whites, salt, pepper, oil and seltzer and pulse a few more times to combine. Pour into a bowl and mix in matzah meal. Cover and chill for at least one hour or overnight; the longer it sits the fluffier it will be.
Bring large pot of generously salted water to boil. Using wet hands, shape matzah mixture into 16 balls; drop into boiling water. Reduce heat to low, cover pot, and simmer until tender, about 45 minutes. Using slotted spoon, transfer matzah balls to the soup.

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