Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Lilyot Kosher Asia House Complex 2 Dafna Street, Tel Aviv Tel: (03) 609-1331

Lilyot offers a flavorful summer lunch menu

A break from the heat . (photo credit:PR)

Lilyot, in the heart of Tel Aviv, can always be relied on for its pleasant environment and somewhat genteel atmosphere. An invitation to sample the twocourse summer lunch (NIS 69) provided a reminder of how attractive the place is.

Together with my vegan companion who was able to find plenty of choices on the menu, we settled down to a table for two in the popular eatery – a welcome respite from the blazing heat outside.

The usual bread and balsamic arrived swiftly – a basket of several different breads, which included slices of fresh ciabatta and raisinstudded sweet whole meal bread.

Nibbling on these, I was able to take in the décor – weathered oak parquet floor, simple black tables at which sat a variety of Tel Aviv types – hi-techies in suits and ties, tourists in flip-flops, and ladies who lunch.

For the first course, I chose potato and fish croquettes with salsa. They were hot, crispy and fresh. The fish, though unidentifiable, was definitely there.

The salsa proved to be chopped tomatoes with an herb – possibly tarragon. It was rather lacking in the piquancy usually associated with salsa.

My companion chose the Israeli salad – tiny diced tomato, cucumber and pepper, red onion and vinaigrette. It looked quite boring, but for a vegan it was probably a delicacy.

He did better with the main course, which was a huge spinach and lentil burger with sweet potato chunks and salad. I tasted it and was pleasantly surprised, as it was quite delicious and full of flavor. For one very fleeting moment I thought about becoming a vegan, but the urge passed quickly.

The grilled chicken breast I had chosen was tender and juicy with a great charcoal flavor. This was a very generous portion, which came with a selection of vegetables, all cooked al dente. It included okra, runner beans, broccoli, snow peas and pumpkin.

Altogether a very satisfying and low-calorie main course.

When it came to dessert, the menu was decidedly not veganfriendly, offering only sorbet of various flavors. For non-vegans, however, there was quite a choice.

I plumped for my usual dessert – anything with lemon, in this case a lemon tart in almond pastry. It tasted as good as it looked: piped dollops of meringue over a tangy lemon filling in a crispy almond pastry. I was pleased to see that the garnish was chopped almonds and chocolate – not a peanut in sight.

We ended our meal with a glass of mint tea before taking our leave, making for the nearby parking lot without lingering too long in the blistering heat, and making a mental note to return when the weather changes.

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